Healing Journeys: Omm Motivate ~ Don’t Let the Beat Drop

Old theme post for the fantabulous fam over at Nourishing Storm


My motivation waxes and wanes like the moon. She moves like the tides of the sea.
I’ve dug into the safe shores of what I know, yet she lures me to explore what can be.

I’ve danced to her song for so long now. Patiently I’ve waited for the words
that I’m not sure exist. And I wonder if she sings like the birds

who call to me in my mornings and I can answer back if I am drawn to the tune
but the words will have to be of my own making and I’m mindful not to sing too soon.

Motivation has taught me patience. It has taught me to hold space for my soul
though I want her to to give me my answers, I must find them myself to be whole.

Anchored in the truth I have found, I trust the winds to bring the next strains.
And the winds are not always gentle, but after each storm what remains

are the pieces of me that are strongest. The pieces I need to sing true.
She finds them and stirs them with purpose. She moves me to be someone who

will know my words well before singing so I may sing them with all I possess
for this life deserves all I can give it, and she inspires me to give nothing less.

It’s okay that I don’t have the words yet. I’m soft enough now to allow myself grace.
I trust in the unseen way of the soul and understand it moves at its own pace

I will sing what I know so far and accept my song may never be complete.
For I’ve learned that if I keep singing my truth, that she will keep giving the beat.

About the.way.i.bee

Mother, Wife, Healer, Hopeful Suburban Homesteader. . . Words are my mind's tools; writing, my soul's craft; this circus of life, my heart's muse.
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